What is erica? 

Erica is a power monitoring and control tool, that can help reduce site fuel costs, power and carbon emissions. 

What does erica stand for?

Energy Reduction through Information, Control and Automation. 

How is erica installed?

The erica module is installed into a site distribution board. which can be retrofitted on to any site. Each board can monitor & control up to 32 individual circuits or whole cabins and  multiple boards can be used on large sites.

What are the benefits of erica?

> Identify power wastage onsite,

> The Erica scheduler gives you the control to ensure power is switched off in certain areas when needed,

> Once the scheduler is set up, the automated solution runs without site intervention

> Power needs can be analysed to determine the best mix of diesel generator, hybrid and alternative power sources,

> Live monitoring can assist in pre-empt breakdown or potential overloading.

How are the reports generated?

Reports are generated from the dashboard and can be exported into reporting tools such 

as Power BI.  An IDE adviser can provide power reports, highlighting where power can be saved. Don’t worry, our adviser will guide you through the reports. 

I don’t use a generator; do I still need erica?

Yes, erica can help control your power usage onsite from a mains supply, using the online dashboard you can turn off power to certain areas when not needed and turn it back on  when needed. 

To make it even easier, you can schedule in times and the tool will automatically turn power on and off for you. 

How does the tool collect data? 

Once the site distribution board is connected to your site power source, the module will instantly collect power usage data through WIFI or 4g  connectivity, it then sends this information to the cloud, where you can access the data through the easy-to-use dashboard.

It’s a clever little thing!

I use a different mix of power sources; I believe I am saving costs and reducing carbon emissions. 

Ah! You might think you are saving costs and reducing your carbon footprint, but do you know for certain? Erica can give you reports and accurate data that you can shout from the roof tops that you are saving power, reducing your costs and carbon emissions. 

I have a hybrid battery on site, do I need Erica?

Yes, Erica manages power demands to ensure optimum time spent on battery, therefore  reducing generator run times and reducing costs and carbon.